Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojenie s dôverou

Connected with trust

D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

Connected with trust

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Certification of smart cards

Smart cards that are used as a qualified electronic signature creation device (QESCD) differ from other solutions in that they are subject to certification by special laboratories.

This certification is always limited in time with regard to the development of cryptographic algorithms and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology in general.

I.CA provides its clients with smart cards from Giesecke & Devrient, Starcos development line:

  • Starcos 3.5 - certification valid until 31.12. 2023
  • Starcos 3.7 - certification valid until 31.12. 2027

If you use the above smart cards, it will be possible to use them to create a qualified electronic signature only until or from the date specified above.

It is the responsibility of the trust service provider to issue a qualified certificate with the designation of a QESCD only if the validity of the certification of the relevant device is longer than the expected validity of the issued certificate.

For this reason, I.CA will stop issuing qualified certificates for the Starcos 3.5 smart card on 31.12.2022. Instructions for issuing a subsequent certificate from Starcos 3.5 smart card to the new smart card Starcos 3.7 can be found here…

Previously provided smart cards Starcos 3.0, whose certification was valid until 7. 8. 2021, can still be used, but without the designation of a QESCD. Therefore, they cannot create a qualified electronic signature.

Registration authorities
