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D. Trust
Certifikačná Autorita a.s.

Spojeni s důvěrou

Spojení s dôverou

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I.CA certificates for EPREL

I.CA provides a solution for accessing the European product registry

All appliances on the EU market must be registered in the EU-wide database - the European Register of Products with energy labels (EPREL). A qualified electronic signature/seal based on a qualified certificate is required to access the EPREL registry for importer, manufacturer and authorized representative verification. These certificates must be stored in a smart card (secure means - QSCD).

Qualified certificates intended for access to the EPREL register must contain identification data of a specific legal entity. Information on how to correctly create a certificate request can be found here.

You can get everything you need at selected branches of our registration authorities. You can also order chip cards and readers from our e-shop.

From October 22, 2024, digital identity verification is mandatory for all suppliers who register their products in EPREL.

You can find a description of the entire EPREL registration process in the detailed instructions here.

EP AND COUNCIL Regulation (EU) 2017/1369 of 4 July 2017 establishing a framework for energy labelling can be found here.

Registration authorities
